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Health Coaching

When I was 18 or 19 years old, I found myself facing an intruiging and difficult issue in my life. I developed sudden unexplained sensitivities to everything I was eating and I had no idea why. I tried all kinds of different foods from different sources, but they each gave me stomach aches and strange symptoms. At that point in my life I didn't know anything about what was in our food. In my quest for answers, I researched everything and everywhere I could to find clues about what was wrong, and I continued to try eating all sorts of things, with uncomfortable results.

When I switched to organic and non-GMO foods, I found I could finally eat again without any unpleasant issues afterwards. I was given an unexpected lesson first hand about how dangerous so many of the ingredients and leftover agricultural products in our food supply really are, so I was deeply inspired to share these important lessons with as many people as I could. It immediately became my passion to help people figure out what kinds of foods, personal hygiene products and home cleaning products are truly healthiest for them. Due to my experiences, I discovered a new purpose in life: to help people make sense of all the confusing claims and mysterious ingredients on grocery store labels, and assist them in making lasting diet and lifestyle changes that work best for their long-term health and optimal well-being. My newfound passion led me to decide to become a health and wellness coach, and to earn the title of Certified Health Coach at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. 

For the past 6 or 7 years, I have dedicated myself to learning everything I possibly could about food, health, and the way our emotional well being influences our food choices, and spent many years seeking and experimenting to find the cleanest food products as well as the best nontoxic household and hygiene products like shampoo, hand and body soap, face wash, deodorant, laundry soap, dish soap and home cleaning products for all kinds of surfaces. My unique sensitivities have helped me to navigate the vast and confusing natural product market to help you find the nothing but the best and highest quality products without having to endure years of exhaustive trial and error - I've already done that for you! :-)

I have put together a program that condenses the most important benefits of my years of research and trial and error into a lesson plan that can take as little as 6 months, depending on the pace that is comfortable to you. Health and wellness coaching is about helping you adopt positive changes into your lifestyle at a pace that works best for you - and big changes stick the best when they are done in small steps - so 12 months certainly isn't a maximum limit. I will be glad to continue to work with you for as long as it is helpful to you!

I am eager to share the knowledge I have accumulated and guide you towards making real, lasting diet and lifestyle changes that will improve your overall health, happiness and well-being. And don't be too surprised if you start seeing positive changes in the diets and lifestyles of those around you, too! I have been consistently amazed at watching this 'ripple effect' of diet and lifestyle changes spread amongst my friends and family as they slowly improved their health. From my experiences, I am confident that my guidance can help you, and many of the people close to you, become a part of this ongoing ripple effect of spreading good health!



Eric Gugger


Free Initial Consulation Available!

Let's chat and see if we are a good fit.


If we decide to work together, we will usually have one-hour sessions every other week - but this can be adjusted to suit your schedule.


Three month program: $100 per session


Six month program: $125 per session


Twelve month program: $150 per session

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